The video above goes into detail on how to set up your desk properly at home to PREVENT PAIN AND DISCOMFORT.  

Stretches to help you prevent pain and discomfort

Here is a summary of some quick and easy stretches you should be performing regularly whilst studying or performing static work. These stretches can help break up the constant muscle/joint/nerve pressure of static sitting. As a general rule, try and perform 1-2 of these stretches every 1 hour.

Do you need some 1:1 Physiotherapy?

If you have pain or discomfort and would like some help, book online at Peter is available for both online Physiotherapy consults via Telehealth, online video technology or Face-to-face consultation in his clinic in Wellington CBD. 

Other Helpful Links

Watch this video if you would like to know how to interpret your Fit3d Body Scan Posture Analysis. The video includes some stretches to counter some of the imbalances you may have.