Body scan - Weight Loss

Fit3d Body Scan - Post Scan Information

Thank you for coming in for your recent body scan.

Our mission is to assist you in achieving your health and wellness goals. We recognise that our post-scan discussion can be quite brief so we have created a bunch of resources to assist you - see below.

If you have any questions about your specific results or if you would like a more in depth consultation with our director, either in person or via zoom, please email



Experience tells us that 90% of Body Composition Results are achieved from what you eat and drink. Nutrition is the most important component!

After becoming sick of hearing stories of clients downloading quick fix or FAD diets, or even worse, paying for overseas social media "famous nutritionists" (often with very little legitimate qualifications or care for your long-term health), in 2021 we decided to recruit our own Nutrition Team.

If you want Nutrition Advice and Support from our Nutritionists and Dietitians, we can promise you they are University-Degree Qualified, Experienced, and from New Zealand. They will work with you to achieve both your short AND long term health and wellness goals. From only $17/week, you can check out our Nutrition Packages here



There is a high correlation between your daily postures, your strength/flexibility and gradual onset neck/back pain, head aches etc. There is no recipe that suits everyone however the information below will get you started on your journey towards decreased pain and discomfort and injury/pain prevention.

  • Watch this video to learn how to interpret your posture report (with Tips). Note: The side on posture report is the most valuable view for those who have scanned less than 10 times. 
  • If you are unsure on how to set up your workstation to prevent pain and discomfort, check out this video.
  • If you would like a thorough assessment of your posture, muscle-balance testing, strength/endurance testing etc, please check our our Pain and Posture Assessment here. Alternatively, send our Director an email - he is one of the highest qualified Physiotherapists in New Zealand


Scan regularly for best results

Every day we get asked ‘How often should I have a body scan?’.

After performing over 10,000 Fit3d Body Scans in NZ we've learnt that:

  • Regular accurate, reliable information enables you to tweak your regime, train more effectively, and gain quicker results
  • Regular Fit3d Body Scanning will keep you ACCOUNTABLE
  • Writing down the date you are next going to be tested, printing out a copy of your 3d image/results, and posting them somewhere you will see them every day, is the ONLY way that Fit3d Body Scanning will assist in motivation

If you are purposely trying to change your body composition and shape, you should aim to scan once every 2-4 weeks. It is for this reason we offer UNLIMITED body scanning over a 12 month period for less than the price of 1 cup of coffee per week!

Weight Loss

Here are 10 things you can do right NOW to lose weight


Body Shape Rating 

Here are 5 ways you can improve your Body Shape Rating right NOW


Body Fat %

Check out this link to learn more about Body Fat %, including 5 ways you can improve your Body Fat % right NOW


Additional Measurements

Check out this link if you want access to tons of Additional Fit3d measurements that are not shown on your dashboard

The Additional Measurement section becomes more meaningful once you have more than 5-10 Fit3d Body Scans. Repeat scans allow you to look for patterns in your body e.g. symmetry, muscle imbalances, weight distribution trends etc. These patterns can then be used to make more informed decisions regarding your future training and nutrition regime. 


Corporate Health Testing

Employees are 95% more likely to get tested if tests are offered on-site at work. We can give your staff the power to make better decisions about their health.

Our team can come to your workplace and offer a range of tests including body scans, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol tests, full mental health screening and more. In some circumstances this can cost your company zero dollars for us to attend. Get in touch to learn more



If pain or injury is stopping you from achieving your health and fitness goals please get in touch. Peter offers both ACC and private physiotherapy consultations from his clinic on Featherston St, Wellington CBD, or via zoom video call nationwide. You can find out more information on his physiotherapy website or email him to book an appointment.


Delete Scan and Cease Service

Should you ever decide that you no longer want to continue body scanning and you would like all your body scan data deleted, it is your right to do so. Using a computer, simply login to your Fit3d Dashboard, click on the 3 horizontal line icon, click scan history, click on the images you want to delete, and click 'delete' in the bottom right corner of the computer screen. Please note, once deleted, you will not be able to get this data back. 



If you have any feedback on your consultation or how we can improve our services, we’d love to hear from you. Without feedback, change does not occur.


If you have any questions about your specific results or if you would like a more in depth consultation with our director, either in person or via zoom, please contact our director:

Peter Halstead

MPhty, PGDipSportMed, BSpEx

