LDL Cholesterol

LDL, is usually referred to as the BAD type of cholesterol. If your LDL cholesterol is too high, it can build up in your arteries. This build up can lead to lumps or plaque build up. Too much plaque in the arteries can block the arteries and lead to a heart attack or stroke.


5 ways you can decrease your LDL Cholesterol right NOW


1. Decrease the amount of saturated fats you are consuming

Saturated fat, mainly found in red meats, takeaway food, and some dairy products will increase your LDL cholesterol. Some tips to decrease saturated fat include:

  • Trim visible fat off meats.
  • Choose leaner cuts of meat
  • Minimise cheese or cheese sauces
  • Minimise full fat milk 
  • When eating out, asking for sauces to be put on the side


2. Change the way you cook

Try baking, boiling, or grilling food instead of frying it. And if you do have to fry something, use small amounts of extra virgin Olive Oil to do so. 


3. Include more fiber in your diet

Fiber can help decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.

Examples of high fiber foods include:

  • Brown rice, oats, whole grain bread,
  • Fruits such as prunes, apples, pears etc
  • Leafy vegetables such as spinach, silver beet, brussels spouts 
  • Beans and lentils 
  • Avocados 





4. Lose some weight

Always easier 'said' than done!

If your Fit3d Body Scan Results do not have you in a green zone for Body Fat %, Waist Circumference, and Body Shape Rating, weight loss and fat loss will likely help you lower your Triglyceride levels. 

We have previously written articles to assist you in weight/body fat loss. These can be viewed here:

10 Tips to Lose Weight Now


5. Increase the amount of exercise you do

Exercise can increase the 'good' HDL cholesterol in your body. Higher levels of HDL help carry the 'bad' LDL cholesterol away from the body. 

Although there is some evidence that high intensity interval training may be the best type of exercise to improve your HDL levels, this is not appropriate for many people (or at least it is not appropriate to start with this type of training). It is best to start slowly and build up the amount of exercise you perform each week. You can read more about exercise for health here:

NZ Ministry of Health Exercise Guidelines for Health


Additional Resources

If you have tried all the the tips above and your LDL levels are still high, you may benefit from seeking the opinion of your GP or a registered dietitian. There may be a genetic reason (or other reason) for your high levels of LDL cholesterol. 

Check our our online Nutrition Packages here

Book a 1:1 Exercise Programming session with our Director

Triglycerides: Here are 5 things you can do right now to improve your Triglycerides

HDL: Here are 5 things you can do right now to improve your HDL Cholesterol